

印象中多年前的暑假曾看過一大堆人把自己的臉書大頭照換成了顏色鮮艷的圖片,可能是單純亮黃色的正方形,或是分別由兩個不同顏色的等腰直角三角型所組成。民國一百年的百年國慶大家也把自己的照片附上配色是國旗顏色的數字100。或是當初日本海嘯大地震時有人把自己的照片搭配「Pray for Japan」的字樣。更別提前一陣子有些人把自己的臉書換成全黑的照片來哀悼馬來西亞政府的熄燈投票舞弊事件。



Your Facebook profile picture can be a way of sending messages or ideas to others, it can reveal your personality(yet it could mean nothing at all), some use pictures of their crush, and some use pictures taken with their loved ones, others use pictures of sceneries, objects, dolls, and there are even some that use pictures or logos that they have designed by themselves. However, most people still like to use pictures of themselves, pictures which they think they look good in, to make a statement that says " this in my Facebook account".

My friend once told me: "To win the respect of others, you have to use a picture of your mother as your profile picture." Then a thought suddenly came to my mind, some people like to play the internet chain reaction game.

I remembered that several years ago, I saw a lot of people changing their profile pictures into pictures of bright colors, it could be a bright yellow rectangle, or a rectangle formed of two different colored triangles. In year 2011, 100th year of the ROC calendar, people would write 100 in matching colors of the ROC flag along with their photos to celebrate the hundredth birthday of our country. When Japan 311 earthquake happened, people would change their profile picture into 'Pray for Japan'. Not to mention that just a while ago, people changed their profile pictures to a completely black photo to mourn for the Malaysia Election scandal.

I wonder how many of you would change your profile picture into pictures of your mother, father and even other elders, maybe we can play the game of "Use your elders as your profile pictures to win the respect of other".

Please join me!

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