
2017-12-31 英倫對決(The Foreigner)
2017-12-26 與神同行(Along with the Gods)
2017-12-24 危牆狙擊(The Wall)
2017-12-23 全倒吧!人生(Split)
2017-12-11 報告老師!怪怪怪怪物!(Mon Mon Mon Monsters!)
2017-12-11 超級市長(The Mayor)
2017-12-10 全面封鎖(Unlocked)
2017-12-09 樓下的房客(The Tenants Downstairs)
2017-12-08 囧男孩(Orz Boyz)
2017-12-04 敦倫法克大行動(Soldier’s Desire: Staying-out Day)
2017-12-03 俠盜聯盟(The Adventurers)
2017-11-29 第22年的告白:我是殺人犯(Memoirs of a Murderer)
2017-11-25 血觀音(The Bold The Corrupt and the Beautiful)
2017-11-22 合約男女(Love Contractually)
2017-11-19 比特幣大盜(Bitcoins Heist)
2017-11-16 正義聯盟(Justice League)
2017-11-15 黑塔(The Dark Tower)
2017-11-14 遇見街貓BOB(A Street Cat Named Bob)
2017-11-09 即刻殺機(Momentum)
2017-11-08 天才的禮物(Gifted)
2017-11-05 邪靈刑事錄(Regression)
2017-11-04 琳老師卡好(The English Teacher)
2017-11-04 王牌保安官(The Sheriff in Town)
2017-10-31 2:22(2:22)
2017-10-27 首爾諜戰(The Spies)
2017-10-25 失業女王聯盟(CART)
2017-10-24 路易的第9條命(The 9th Life of Louis Drax)
2017-10-24 雷神索爾3:諸神黃昏(Thor: Ragnarok)
2017-10-21 忌日快樂(Happy Death Day)
2017-10-19 失控謊言(White Lies, Black Lies)
2017-10-18 真愛,純屬虛構(Love Fiction)
2017-10-15 特警妙探(Tam jeong deo bigining)
2017-10-15 按讚情人(Like for Likes)
2017-10-14 女狼嗨到趴(Rough Night)
2017-10-14 還有機會說再見(Before I Fall)
2017-10-14 名偵探柯南:唐紅的戀歌(Detective Conan: Crimson Love Letter)
2017-10-14 猩球崛起:終極決戰(War For The Planet Of The Apes)
2017-10-13 愚行錄(Gukoroku-Traces of Sin)
2017-10-07 佈局(The Invisible Guest)
2017-10-03 母親!(Mother!)
2017-09-29 逆轉大贏家(Winning Streak)
2017-09-27 金金計較(Penny Pincher)
2017-09-23 拆彈少年(Land of Mine)
2017-09-23 萬惡新世界(Inside Man)
2017-09-20 金牌特務:機密對決(Kingsman: The Golden Circle)
2017-09-15 巴黎雙霸(Les gorilles)
2017-09-14 異形:聖約(Alien: Covenant)
2017-09-08 牠(It)
2017-09-07 獵殺星期一(What Happened to Monday?)
2017-09-06 危險羅曼史(Life Risking Romance)
2017-09-05 導火新聞線(The Menu)
2017-09-02 紅衣小女孩2(The Tag-Along 2)
2017-09-02 湄公河行動(Operation Mekong)
2017-09-01 她其實沒那麼壞(The Last Word)
2017-08-30 藥命真相(Misconduct)
2017-08-29 詐欺新世紀(One-line)
2017-08-27 叛獄無間(The Prison)
2017-08-27 逃出絕命鎮(Get Out)
2017-08-26 限時救援(Sleepless)
2017-08-25 金權性內幕(The King)
2017-08-23 殺手保鑣(The Hitman's Bodyguard)
2017-08-19 我和我的冠軍女兒(Dangal)
2017-08-18 神鬼奇航:死無對證(Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales)
2017-08-14 安娜貝爾:造孽(Annabelle: Creation)
2017-08-11 守護者聯盟(The Guardians)
2017-08-10 玩命再劫(Baby Driver)
2017-08-09 三少爺的劍3D(Sword Master)
2017-08-09 加州公路巡警(CHIPS)
2017-08-09 偷天特務(Mission Milano)
2017-07-21 徒手大戰(Fist Fight)
2017-07-21 捍衛任務2:殺神回歸(John Wick: Chapter 2)
2017-07-21 金剛:骷髏島(Kong: Skull Island)
2017-07-09 目擊者(Who killed Cock Robin)
2017-07-08 拆彈專家(Shock Wave)
2017-07-03 深海鯊機(47 Meters Down)
2017-06-28 異星引力(Attraction)
2017-06-26 我的型男老闆(Do You See Me?)
2017-06-25 黑道小子巨星夢(My Paparotti)
2017-06-24 美女與野獸(Beauty and the Beast)
2017-06-22 健忘村(The Village That Forgets)
2017-06-07 神鬼傳奇(The Mummy)
2017-06-04 八惡人(The Hateful Eight)
2017-06-03 神鬼獵人(The Revenant)
2017-06-02 何者(Nanimono)
2017-06-01 神力女超人(Wonder Woman)
2017-05-28 限制級戰警:重返極限(xXx: The Return of Xander Cage)
2017-05-27 異星智慧(Life)
2017-05-22 關鍵少數(Hidden Figures)
2017-05-20 格雷的五十道陰影:束縛(Fifty Shades Darker)
2017-05-18 喜歡你(This is Not What I Expected)
2017-05-16 樂來越愛你(La La Land)
2017-05-15 危城(Call of Heroes)
2017-05-10 特務大臨演(Grimsby)
2017-05-07 梭哈人生(A Hologram for the King)
2017-05-03 擺渡人(See You Tomorrow)
2017-05-02 謊言迷宮(Labyrinth Of Lies)
2017-05-01 七月與安生(Soul Mate)
2017-04-30 臥虎藏龍2:青冥寶劍(Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon II: The Green Destiny)
2017-04-29 走音天后(Florence Foster Jenkins)
2017-04-26 星際異攻隊2(Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2)
2017-04-25 明天別再來敲門(A Man Called Ove)
2017-04-24 偷天對決(Master)
2017-04-23 怪獸與牠們的產地(Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them)
2017-04-22 銅牌巨星(The Bronze)
2017-04-19 功夫刑事(Martial Cop:Chinatown)
2017-04-17 我的麻煩老哥(My Annoying Brother)
2017-04-12 玩命關頭8(The Fate of the Furious)
2017-04-10 摩天樓(High-Rise)
2017-04-09 使徒行者(Line Walker)
2017-04-08 魔詭(Morgan)
2017-04-07 暗網殺機(Deep Trap)
2017-04-05 反擊(Go with Me)
2017-04-03 刺客教條(Assassin's Creed)
2017-03-28 S風暴(S Storm)
2017-03-25 你的名字(Your Name)
2017-03-24 暗殺(Assassination)
2017-03-23 追兇倒數十五日(Bimileun Eopda)
2017-03-22 鋼鐵麥斯(Max Steel)
2017-03-21 非法999(Triple Nine)
2017-03-19 極速秒殺2(Mechanic: Resurrection)
2017-03-18 吸特樂回來了!(Look Who's Back)
2017-03-15 如果這世界貓消失了(If Cats Disappeared from the World)
2017-03-13 決戰投手丘(Perfect Game)
2017-03-13 夜行動物(Nocturnal Animals)
2017-03-08 攻敵必救(Miss Sloane)
2017-03-07 驚心破(Heartfall Arises)
2017-03-06 偵探御手洗事件簿-星籠之海(The Sea of Seiro:Detective Mitarai's Casebook)
2017-03-06 羅根(Logan)
2017-03-05 科技浩劫(Cell)
2017-02-22 捉妖記(Monster Hunt)
2017-02-21 王牌計中計(A Violent Prosecutor)
2017-02-20 中央情爆員(Central Intelligence)
2017-02-17 萬惡金錢爆(Bad Man)
2017-02-16 北京遇上西雅圖之不二情書 Book of Love
2017-02-10 異星入境(Arrival)
2017-02-07 墮落天使(Fallen)
2017-02-07 終極車陣:飆出重圍(Nitro Rush)
2017-02-04 分裂(Split)
2017-01-30 會計師(The Accountant)
2017-01-28 尋龍傳說(Pete's Dragon)
2017-01-28 紐約新鮮人(Mistress America)
2017-01-28 怒火地平線 Deepwater Horizon
2017-01-28 金牌拳手(Creed)
2017-01-20 灰色警界(The Trust)
2017-01-20 我就要你好好的(Me Before You)
2017-01-20 自殺突擊隊(Suicide Squad)
2017-01-16 美麗魔物(Beautiful Creatures)
2017-01-11 黑道千金逼我嫁2家門危機(Marrying The Mafia II)
2017-01-10 黑祭司(The Priests)
2017-01-08 寵物情人(Be My Pet)
2017-01-06 安娜貝爾(Annabelle)
2017-01-04 婚禮行不行!?(Marriage Blue)
2017-01-02 暫時停止呼吸(Don't Breathe)

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