

  1. 2019-12-31         霹靂嬌娃(Charlie's Angels)              
  2. 2019-12-28         舞孃騙很大(Hustlers)              
  3. 2019-12-25         白頭山:半島浩劫(Ashfall)              
  4. 2019-12-23        芮氏9.6(The Quake)        
  5. 2019-12-22        機密行動:我們的辭典(Mal Mo E: The Secret Mission)        
  6. 2019-12-20         葉問4:完結篇(Ip Man 4)               
  7. 2019-12-18        催眠.裁決(Guilt by Design)             
  8. 2019-12-17        追兇十九年(Bloody Daisy)        
  9. 2019-12-16        電影版壞傢伙們(Bad Guys:The Movie)              
  10. 2019-12-13         怎麼就,結婚了(Trade Your Love)           
  11. 2019-12-08        無間行動(The Informer)           
  12. 2019-12-08        屍樂園:髒比雙拼(Zombieland: Double Tap)              
  13. 2019-12-07        奶酪陷阱(Cheese in the Trap)           
  14. 2019-12-06        AI終結戰(I am Mother)            
  15. 2019-12-06        我的第一任(Always Miss You)           
  16. 2019-12-04         鬼片:即將上映(Warning: Do Not Play)            
  17. 2019-12-03        峰迴路轉(Sequence)        
  18. 2019-12-01         賽道狂人(Ford v Ferrari)         
  19. 2019-11-30        驅魔使者(The Divine Fury)               
  20. 2019-11-28        來了(It Comes)        
  21. 2019-11-25        非常衝突(Sleuth)             
  22. 2019-11-22         非識不可(Catfish)           
  23. 2019-11-20        屍落之城(Rampant)         
  24. 2019-11-20        驚濤佈局(Serenity)          
  25. 2019-11-15        真犯(The Culprit)             
  26. 2019-11-13        老千:獨眼傑克(Tazza: One Eyed Jack)             
  27. 2019-11-11        極限逃生(EXIT)               
  28. 2019-11-08        懸案密碼第64(The Purity of Vengeance)        
  29. 2019-11-06        緝凶對決(The Beast)        
  30. 2019-11-04        沒有你的生日(Birthday)            
  31. 2019-11-03        EVA奇機世界(Eva)          
  32. 2019-10-30        殺戮重生犬屋敷(Inuyashiki)              
  33. 2019-10-29        臥底:頭號通緝(Inside Man: Most Wanted)
  34. 2019-10-28        名偵探柯南:紺青之拳(Detective Conan: The Fist of Blue Sapphire)             
  35. 2019-10-28        獅子王(The Lion King)              
  36. 2019-10-27        極地先鋒(Amundsen)               
  37. 2019-10-25        雙子殺手(Gemini Man)             
  38. 2019-10-24        人魚沉睡的家(The House Where The Mermaid Sleeps)
  39. 2019-10-22        一吻定情(Fall in Love at First Kiss)            
  40. 2019-10-19        逃妻追追追(Looking For My Wife)             
  41. 2019-10-19         安娜貝爾回家囉(Annabelle Comes Home)         
  42. 2019-10-16        弒婚遊戲(Ready or Not)           
  43. 2019-10-15        證人(Innocent Witness)            
  44. 2019-10-14        人類規劃局(The Human Bureau)               
  45. 2019-10-12         灼人秘密(Nina Wu)        
  46. 2019-10-12        靠譜歌王(Yesterday)        
  47. 2019-10-06         人生消極掰(Richard Says Goodbye)         
  48. 2019-09-28        屍降(Reside)           
  49. 2019-09-27        毀滅者(Destroyer)           
  50. 2019-09-25         返校(Detention)             
  51. 2019-09-25        P風暴(P Storm)               
  52. 2019-09-22         從前,有個好萊塢(Once Upon a Time In Hollywood)         
  53. 2019-09-22         靠譜歌王(Yesterday)              
  54. 2019-09-19        復仇血天使(No Mercy)     
  55. 2019-09-18        馬克的異想世界(Welcome to Marwen)               
  56. 2019-09-17        桃色入侵(Inconceivable)         
  57. 2019-09-16        倒數救援(Reclaim)           
  58. 2019-09-12        國民英雄(Long Live the King)   
  59. 2019-09-08         牠:第二章(It: Chapter Two)           
  60. 2019-09-06        我要活下去(6 Below: Miracle on the Mountain)           
  61. 2019-09-05        夜半鬼哭聲(The Wrath)            
  62. 2019-09-04        人面魚:紅衣小女孩外傳(The Devil Fish)           
  63. 2019-09-01        捍衛任務3:全面開戰(John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum)         
  64. 2019-09-01        恐怖大媽(Ma)          
  65. 2019-08-29        辣媽好孕到(Baby Bumps)         
  66. 2019-08-28        恩德培行動(7 Days in ENTEBBE)               
  67. 2019-08-27        大三元(Big Three Dragons)              
  68. 2019-08-26         下半場(We Are Champions)            
  69. 2019-08-25         全面攻佔3:天使救援(Angel Has Fallen)          
  70. 2019-08-18        特種部隊:烽火烈戰(TO DIE FOR)     (48) 
  71. 2019-08-17        瘋狂電視台瘋電影(It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Show)          
  72. 2019-08-14        瞞天過海(Biting Fly)         
  73. 2019-08-14        完美搭檔(My Special Brother)           
  74. 2019-08-03        詐騙女神(The Hustle)               
  75. 2019-08-01        波希米亞狂想曲(Bohemian Rhapsody)               
  76. 2019-07-29         我和我的摔角家庭(Fighting with My Family)              
  77. 2019-07-29         名偵探皮卡丘(Pokemon Detective Pikachu)              
  78. 2019-07-28        深夜食堂(Midnight Diner)         
  79. 2019-07-27        獨帆之聲(The Mercy)               
  80. 2019-07-26        速成家庭(Instant Family)          
  81. 2019-07-25        獨帆之聲(The Mercy)               
  82. 2019-07-24        天下第一鏢局(Bravest Escort Group)         
  83. 2019-07-23        怪獸與葛林戴華德的罪行(Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald)        
  84. 2019-07-22        弒訊2:暗網(Unfriended: Dark Web)        
  85. 2019-07-21        廉政風雲煙幕(Integrity)   
  86. 2019-07-16        酷寒殺手(Cold Pursuit)             
  87. 2019-07-15        極惡對決(The Gangster, the Cop, the Devil)               
  88. 2019-07-10        戰狼(Wolf Warriors)
  89. 2019-07-09        破.局(Peace Breaker)            
  90. 2019-07-08        檢方的罪人(Killing for the Prosecution)              
  91. 2019-07-08        黃飛鴻之南北英雄(The Unity of Heroes)            
  92. 2019-07-04        寄生上流(Parasite)           
  93. 2019-07-04        街頭霸王(Tong Memories)
  94. 2019-07-03        王牌教師麻辣出擊(Spicy Teacher)             
  95. 2019-07-03         蜘蛛人:離家日(Spider-Man: Far From Home)          
  96. 2019-07-01        黃金兄弟(Golden Job)              
  97. 2019-06-29         地獄怪客:血后的崛起(Hellboy: Rise of the Blood Queen)          
  98. 2019-06-27        一路順風(Godspeed)        
  99. 2019-06-25        致命目擊(The Witness)            
  100. 2019-06-24        安娜(Anna)             
  101. 2019-06-23         錢力遊戲(Money)           
  102. 2019-06-18         火箭人(Rocketman)        
  103. 2019-06-12         MIB星際戰警:跨國行動(Men in Black International)        
  104. 2019-06-06         X戰警:黑鳳凰(X-Men: Dark Phoenix)             
  105. 2019-06-05        哥吉拉II怪獸之王(Godzilla: King of the Monsters)             
  106. 2019-06-01        雞不可失(Extreme Job)             
  107. 2019-05-25        阿拉丁(Aladdin)               
  108. 2019-05-23        殺人者(살인자)        
  109. 2019-05-19        密弑遊戲(Escape Room)           
  110. 2019-05-19        艾莉塔:戰鬥天使(Alita: Battle Angel)               
  111. 2019-05-18        分秒幣爭(Default)            
  112. 2019-05-12        異裂(Glass)             
  113. 2019-05-08        獵仇者(Pay Back)            
  114. 2019-05-05        鬥魚(The Outsiders)         
  115. 2019-05-04        末日殖民地(The Colony)           
  116. 2019-05-02        婚禮冤家(Destination Wedding)         
  117. 2019-04-28        金爆內幕(Gold)        
  118. 2019-04-27        復仇(Oldboy)           
  119. 2019-04-24        復仇者聯盟4:終局之戰(Avengers: Endgame)           
  120. 2019-04-21        惡魔島(Papillon)              
  121. 2019-04-20        妙探事務所(The Accidental Detective 2: In Action)              
  122. 2019-04-13        五星主廚快餐車(Chef)              
  123. 2019-04-13        男人不可以窮(Golden Brother)          
  124. 2019-04-13        終極戰士:掠奪者(The Predator)              
  125. 2019-04-10        沙贊!(Shazam!)             
  126. 2019-04-07        鎖命危機(Door Lock)               
  127. 2019-03-31        怒火邊界2:毒刑者(Sicario: Day of the Soldado)        
  128. 2019-03-25        我們(Us)         
  129. 2019-03-23        26(26 Years)               
  130. 2019-03-17        捍衛生死線(Replicas)               
  131. 2019-03-17        賭命運轉手(The Mule)              
  132. 2019-03-16        雙食記(Deadly Delicious)          
  133. 2019-03-13        凸搥特派員:三度出擊(Johnny English Strikes Again)          
  134. 2019-03-12        極地之王(Alpha)              
  135. 2019-03-11        媽媽的人生食譜(Notebook from My Mother)               
  136. 2019-03-10        完美社區謀殺案(Suburbicon)             
  137. 2019-03-07        惡鄰布局(Ordinary People)               
  138. 2019-03-06        驚奇隊長(Captain Marvel)
  139. 2019-03-05        盜王之王(King of Thieves)        
  140. 2019-03-04        失戀急讓(Temporary Family)            
  141. 2019-03-03        陰兒房第4章:鎖命亡靈(Insidious: The Last Key)             
  142. 2019-03-03        陰兒房第3章:從靈開始(Insidious: Chapter 3)          
  143. 2019-03-02        90分鐘末日倒數(Take Point)            
  144. 2019-02-28        葉問外傳:張天志(Master Z: Ip Man Legacy)             
  145. 2019-02-25        物怪(Monstrum)              
  146. 2019-02-24        神佈局(Beyond The Edge)        
  147. 2019-02-24        金牌拳手:父仇(Creed II)        
  148. 2019-02-24        移動城市:致命引擎(Mortal Engines)         
  149. 2019-02-21        最悲傷的故事(More Than Blue)         
  150. 2019-02-20        星際叛將:歐西里斯之子(The Osiris Child: Science Fiction Volume One)               
  151. 2019-02-19        極凍之城(Atomic Blonde)          
  152. 2019-02-18        非賣品(Unstoppable)        
  153. 2019-02-16        狂徒(The Scoundrels)               
  154. 2019-02-16        親密陌生人(Intimate Strangers)        
  155. 2019-02-14        活路:妒忌私家偵探社(Live@Love)           
  156. 2019-02-13        飆風特警隊(Hit-and-Run Squad)
  157. 2019-02-12        猜謎王(The Quiz Show Scandal)        
  158. 2019-02-10        七罪追緝令(Dark Figure of Crime)             
  159. 2019-02-10        大師兄(Big Brother)         
  160. 2019-02-10        L風暴(L Storm)               
  161. 2019-02-03        鐵籠(The Marionettes)             
  162. 2019-02-03        有五個姊姊的我就註定要單身了啊(How to Train Our Dragon)              
  163. 2019-01-31        蜘蛛網中的女孩(The Girl in the Spider's Web)            
  164. 2019-01-26        鬼修女(The Nun)             
  165. 2019-01-20        月光光新慌慌(Halloween)         
  166. 2019-01-20        大君主行動(Overlord)              
  167. 2019-01-19        未來世界(Future World)           
  168. 2019-01-16        女狼出任務(Code Name: Jackal)               
  169. 2019-01-15        西部戰線(The Long Way Home)        
  170. 2019-01-14        怪奇孤兒院(Miss Peregrines Home For Peculiar Children)         
  171. 2019-01-09        興夫:撼動朝鮮的文學家(HeungBooTheRevolutionist)      
  172. 2019-01-08        猛龍怪客(Death Wish)              
  173. 2019-01-07        救贖(Miss Baek)              
  174. 2019-01-06        消極的快樂,電鋸的邊緣(Negative Happy, Chainsaw Edge)         
  175. 2019-01-05        厲可拍(Deadly Still)         
  176. 2019-01-03        鮮肉老爸(Where the River Flows)             
  177. 2019-01-02        大黃蜂(Bumblebee)         
  178. 2019-01-01        家鴨與野鴨的置物櫃(The Foreign Duck, the Native Duck and God)

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